Friday, February 13, 2015

Electronic Version of the Summer Reading Log Now Available!!!

Save a tree and use the electronic form to let us know what you thought about the books you have been reading!

Click HERE to access the form and submit your reading log instantly!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NSIS Summer Reading Program Parent Information

Research shows that students who continue to learn throughout the summer months consistently perform better than students who take a break from learning. Summer reading programs provide an easy way for students to maintain their current academic achievement. They are proven to prevent the "summer slump" for students between academic years.

Urge your child to jump on board and join the crew that is reading to become Anchored in Excellence! Each NSIS student is encouraged to read at least three books this summer. Selecting from a variety of genres, each book read should be within your child's instructional level.
Click on any of the tabs above this post to view a list of books from which your child can choose to read or refer to the book lists on the blog.

Student Prizes

When you return to school, you will receive a ticket for each completed log turned into a bin that will be in the lobby. These tickets will be used in a Chinese Auction that will be held the first Friday of school. You can enter for a chance to win any of the following prizes:

The student who turns in to most completed log entries will win:

$100  Barnes and Noble gift card!!


Click on the link below to open and print additional copies of the Reading Log.

Thursday, May 22, 2014